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Give us a call! Did you know we stand out as one of the few UK assay offices with a dedicated phone line?
Reach out to our friendly customer experience team today for any questions or assistance you might need.
We’re here to help!
Reach out to our one stop shop email hub, for anything you need! No matter the nature of your question
or request, we’re here and ready to lend a hand. Don’t hesitate to drop us a line today – we’re eager to help!
Birmingham Assay Office,
1 Moreton Street,
Birmingham B1 3AX
Have an item to drop off at our customer service area? Swing by and let’s say hello!
Main Contact Us form
Birmingham assay office
- Address: Birmingham Assay Office, 1 Moreton Street, Birmingham B1 3AX
- Phone: 0121 820 0773
Opening hours: 8.30am until 4.00pm Monday to Thursday
Friday 8.30am until 3.30pm
When driving to Birmingham Assay office please note:
- For Customer drop off and collection please use Moreton St
- For Visitors please use main entrance on Icknield St
- Moreton Street – connects Pope Street and Carver Street.
- Pope Street is one way
- Carver Street is one way and Moreton Street can only be accessed by turning right